I was inspired being a 6th grader. For about 4 and a 1/2 years, I have been in Melawati. When I came here, my goals were to get A- to A+ grades. So I was hoping to get good grades then getting B+ and below. I have achieved it by doing my homeworks on time, and studying for tests. Overall, my goals came out better than I thought. Also, I got along with a lot of different people and talk to them which was what I wanted. It was fun meeting new people and collaborating with other people.
The new skills I have learned was studying on my own and studying for tests. At first I didn't do things on my own but got help from my family. This skill was important because doing things on our own makes us do challenging work and solve them out. In High School, everyone does their work on their own rather than getting help from their family. That is what I have wished a long time ago. I've finally learned it.
The skills I like to learn is to achieve good grades in literatures. I don't really read books and I don't really read challenging books. All I love to read is adventures and fantasy but I can't really afford to read realistic books. Like books which tells about a poor person or a rich person, I can't afford reading that. It feels really boring than exciting. I think that is one skill I have to work on because later we have to read varieties of books.
My next goals for 6 months are to read books and stop making careless mistakes in test. As I said, I would like to read varieties of books. Another goal is to stop making careless mistakes in tests because every math test or any test, I keep on making mistakes on the easy questions which lower my grades. I think I should really get focused on my tests. That is my goal for the next 6 months. I think this is one way to get good grades. I hope after the holidays, I still do a good job.